Nice spin on the tired topic of "what is normal?" It appears to me security, herd preservation, social signaling and casting are a current and historical reality of human evolution, purpose and struggle. Arguments and age old archetypal tales center around nature vs. nuture, conformity vs. oppression, good vs. evil, etc story. I truly believe we're still in the midst of that story. The best path has never nor ever will be in unanimous favor. Historically and naturally, societies depend on its parts as a whole to function, as does most of nature's models of heirchy and survival. There will be misunderstood outliers and defectors, but it doesn't take a slide ruler to identify who amongst us is truly insane, useless, unproductive or worse case senario, destructive. That said, I agree with the latest DSM definition of mental disorder. Albeit, almost as much as I care to relate to it.